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Another sad weasel story

Sigh... Pam lost another weasel yesterday. She loves the little critters as much as I love puppy, so I can't imagine going through what she has in the last few months. She's been saving and borrowing and stressing about this operation and it just didn't work out. Sometimes life isn't fair. Sigh...

I've got a management review to give at 9:00. The big boss was impressed with my presentation. It's important to get off on a good foot. Hopefully the staff will feel the same way.

I got a boat check of a couple of thousand dollars which will certainly help pay off bills. They never stop coming, they just keep rolling in like the tides. It must be so nice to be rich, or at least ahead of the game. I'll probably never know.

One more load off the boat last night. Plates, silverware, the hard alcohol and the navigation stuff are all now safely home. Boats the same as mine are for sale asking 50 to 60K more than we paid. I'm going to list it, and if it goes, it goes. We'll decide what to do after.

Well, off to my meeting. Have a good Friday all, oh and Pam {{{{hugs}}}}

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