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A 2fer

Well, it's been a mostly productive if not exciting day. I got my management meeting notes done and they got two thumbs up from the grand poobah. Score one for me.

I also moved the boat into the new slip solo whith no major (or even minor) issues. I even got a chance to hose the anchor mud off the bow. An exciting way to spend lunch, no?

Now all I need to do is survive the next 4 hours, tomorrow and it will be the weekend. Yippee!!! Except I'm going to a a baby thing on Sunday. Blah, blah, blah. Can you tell I'd rather be ___________ (fill in this blank with anything). Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do. The reception after is at a nice country club so there will be grapes. I will survive.

Now I'm off to audit. Toodles...

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