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If you wouldn't mind.....

Things I learned this morning.... Spilled weasel food can be bought for a discount, working in higher education, sucks just as bad as working in industry and Monica looks cute in pink hair.

Our committee meeting with the executive board last night went as expected. They are closed minded egotistical self-absorbed idiots. Besides that it went OK. I was ruled out of order once. That was canceled by the several "good point" nods at other times. I mostly came out ahead, and yet generally came away from the whole thing unfullfilled.

There is a power struggle going on in the club, a club who's only purpose is to be a place to keep a boat at and to have a good time in. I just want to shake the crap out of them all and tell them to grow the hell up. They won't, sigh...

If you have a minute or two, I really wouldn't mind a guestbook entry or note today. I have a feeling that it is just going to be one of those where I need some perking up. Thank you much in advance.

Have a wonderful Thursday


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