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That sinking feeling

It is pouring, and windy as all hell. I'm glad I put extra lines on the boat last night. The heat is on too so it was nice and comfy down below. I didn't have time to enjoy it though, more bylaws stuff. UGH.... Tonight we present our first draft to the board. Double UGH...

Oh and on my way down the dock, I noticed Charlie's 40' sportsfisherman was missing. Seems sometime Monday night, it sank to the bottom. Nobody is quite sure why. Charlie is pretty upset. I would be too.

I stepped on the scale this morning and went @#$%^&*()_$#% I guess all this stress eating is catching up. I wanted to start treadmilling, but my right knee has been acting up with all this dampness and cold. I guess I'm going to have to work my way through that. Something needs to be done or I'll weigh 900 lbs by the holidays.

I have another small powerboaat ready to close. It has been paid in full so there is just some paperwork to sign. Then another (small) check should be coming my way. I've already got it spent. Damn bills, just never stop coming.

Well, off to the wars. have a dry and productive day, sorry, that's the best I can do this morning.


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