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A sticky situation

It snowed this morning, just flurries, Still, I am so not ready for that. M.E went shopping with her sister. I had two choices, the YC bar or Home Depot. Surprise, surprise, I hit the depot and ended up putting down 90 Sq feet of no wax self stick tile in the basement. it looks great. Perhaps I'll get another two boxes down tonight.

I bought 270 sq feet, I didn't do any measuring, but figured that would be plenty. It sin't going to be. I'm probably going to need twice that amount. So much for my estimating skills. It is nice to be doing work on the house again.

It looks warmer for the weekend. Saturday is Dock day in NEWP0RT and I'll probably go down and help yank them out. Ahh, the season is winding down. I want to try and get a sail in too. it has been soooooooo long. We'll see.

The marina I work out of in the second job will cut me a discount rate if I can't get out at the YC because of the ramp snafu. This is a good thing. Hopefully the club will get this fixed, but if not I do have alternatives.

Well, time to get some work done. Happy Thursday loyal readers (I'm up to 47 yippee!) Have a wonderful day.


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