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In the dark as usual

I'm currently sittin in the dark with a large wire hanging through my ceiling. Ahhh, the joys of working in a construction zone. The place is nearly complete. It took 10 months to rebuild after the fire, not bad really. This weekend is the dog and pony show. As long as I remember dog, before pony, I should be fine.

The old boss and I had our major discussion yesterday, he let me go a few times rehired me as few times and as it stands right now, nothing has changed. He really, really, really doesn't want to lose me and is pissed that I took the job here, but like I told him, a guy has to eat you know?

I seriously think he is going to make an exception and keep me on part time. If I sell the 411 on Sunday then he really won't have much of a choice will he? We'll see...

Now that I'm getting more sleep, I have been having some interesting (OK weird) dreams. This morning I was somehow in a relationship with Carley Simon and it wasn't working out (duh) and I tried to break up with her by singing it's too late every chance I got. My subconsious is seriously wacked and now I can't get that damn song out of my head. And yes I know it was a Carole King song, but i'm not going to argue with a dream OK? Must have been the Almond Joy I ate before bed.

I'm thinking of having people over this weekend for a Ron and M.Es first new paycheck party. Seems appropriate, no? We always have the best short notice parties. I think I'll send out invites today!

Happy Hump Day America and all the ships at sea.


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