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Never Again...

I've been stopping in the brokerage office for lunch, checking emails and notes and the like. A broker from the main office was there and asked about the tie. I told him about the new job and why I took it. He understood. He wants his life back too. He's making a ton of money but spending no time at home. It's no way to make a living.

Now that he knows, I expect the masses will know soon too. It's probably a good thing. Maybe now they will stop asking for favors. Probably not.

I'm not stopping by tonight though, the Sox are on at 4:00. T1M W@kefield for president. Or at least Mayor of B0ST0N. Beat the evi1 empire please.

Sixweasels lost another of her clan today. Another of her furry critters needs and operation. It hasn't been an easy year pet wise for her so if you get a chance stop by her blog and try and cheer her up, OK?

Rain is in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow so maybe I won't get a last couple of evening sunset sails in before they change the hours. :-( Another month and it will be time to decommission. :-( I feel like I wasted the whole summer. Never again....

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