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Agent, 00,00

Trying to juggle two jobs in the same time span is interesting. Most folks at the old place do not know about the new arrangement and they want me to be places I cannot be. They'll get over it. I do need to get a check squared away this morning though. That means I need to bail for a bit. I hope nobody misses me. Ahh the perils of those who lead a double life.

M.E. went out on the boat last night and ran into Gary who had the stroke. He's still wearing the patch, but except for the double vision, he is fine. His sense of humor is back too and I'm not sure if that is good or bad... :-) I sure was glad to see him though, but don't you ever tell him that.

Oh and if you get a chance stop by to visit Piehole. She has been cured of her terminal blurryness although the cure has left her with strange arrows and writing on her face. Still it is better than being blurry I guess.

Mo got flowers in her door, it made me smile. Jenn is working a boat show so she has my condolences and Jay has a chance to hit the bit time. Grab the brass ring my man.

Besides that, nothing new. Have a great Friday all.

bye for now

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