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Psst, hey buddy, want a beer?

This weekends boat show wasn't so bad. Well, except for the wind and rain on Saturday. There were ripped flags and banners every where.

I sold one boat, a used 35 footer. Ahhh, can my mansion be far behind? After the show we went to a B0ST0N bar in a basement with no sign on the door. These was just a guy standing in front who asked if we were looking for (the name of the place).

Eight of us dressed in pink shirts and blue vests. We looked like some weird gay posse. People left us alone especially after I began asking when the mother ship was due to pull out from behind the comet. Pass the coolaid please.

Oh and weirdest of all I met a girl who is friends with most of the people I know at the YC. She met them all in Bermuda during this springs race. I had heard all about her from their stories. Too weird...

I start the new job tomorrow and yes Monica, I do have windows this time, several in fact. It's probably the nicest office in the building which will be a switch from the last one. I really hated working in the closet of doom.

M.E. started her new job today too. Hopefully it will all go well and the commute won't be too bad for her. We'll see.

I'm way behind on my paperwork and my diary reading and my weekend call backs. I'll try and write something tomorrow. We'll see. If not, I'll be thinking of you all.

Happy Monday!

PS Mo's got a boyfreind, Mo's got a boyfriend :-)

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