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Sometimes I think there are diarys here that I just shouldn't read. It becomes way to easy to get emotionally involved just through the words. You give advice to people you don't know and yet still care about and hope it all works out in the end for them, while secretly feeling it probably won't.

You see the patterns, but are powerless to break them and still you'll grieve when/if you fail. Is trying to help it's own reward? Doesn't seem like it. I guess only time will tell. Either way, you just can't stop caring, you can't. I guess I take after my mom in that way.

Car shopping yesterday was extremely frustrating. M.E. had big numbers about what her 9 year old car was worth. That attitude has now been readjusted. There is one she likes, the K1A S0RENT0 but we can't get the payments ot fit. Car ads are full of lies, and there always a reason why you can't get the deal in the paper. We'll try again today. wish us luck.

It's raining here in Baltim0re, every thing else is the same.... Yeah, that fits.

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