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Skunk 1, Puppy 0

Pretty normal Friday evening. I went home, checked the mail, and took a nap abreviated by a big wet sloppy dog kiss right on the eye. I guess he thought I had rested enough.

I got cleaned up and we went out and bought me a blue blazer, surprisingly the first one I've ever owned. This is a requirement for the boat show next weekend. The process was actually pretty painless and I bought the second one I tried on.

The we went out for some yummy food, hit the club for a glass of grapes or three and went home. Exciting huh? Well in the words of Emeril, things got kicked up a notch.

M.E. let puppy out to pee and he headed off like a shot chasing something in the yard. Then we heard growling and saw puppy running back like a shot. He didn't need to get too close to figure out what happened. The thing he was chasing was a skunk and it was none to pleased at his presence.

The spray hurt his eyes and he kept rubbing them in the grass. We got him in the bathroom right away and washed him with vinager and then doggie shampoo. He is mostly skunk free. Hopefully this will teach him a lesson. I wouldn;t bet on it.

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