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Time won't change me and I can't change time

Thank you so much to all the folks that left kind words and congratulations. It very much takes a big weight off, well, pretty much my whole family. They all worry enough for the rest of the free world so there was much joy in Smallsville.

Hopefully I'll get the details of the offer in the next day or so, but pretty much no matter what I'm going to take it. Easing the stress on M.E. alone would be worth it. She worries about money as much as I do.

The only one who will be sad is puppy. He likes sleeping late with me in the morning. Speaking of that, I need to find a way to get over this tiredness. I definately need a recharge on the old batteries before I'm ready to hit the corporate world again. We'll see....

Oh, the guy I showed the boat to yesterday is not interested. OH well...

Happy Friday people...

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