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Never turn your back on a hungry wolf

I sold two boats this week. One was a nice paycheck. I am now considered a serious threat to the brokers in the home office on the Cape and they are not exactly welcoming me with open arms.

One has rifled through my desk and tried to screw up a deal I'm working on. Another tried to steal a customer and long time friend. I know this is a cut throat business, but I never it expected it to be so underhanded.

The boss is aware of the games. He'll stick up for me even though I'm the new guy to a point. His two major cash cows won't get canned, but he now sees me as a money making machine too so if I bail because of them, there will be hell to pay, and we do have a plan to bail don't we....

I'm just waiting for that phone call. This would make a great part time job, but is really no way to make a living, even if you can.

Happy Saturday from the front lines.


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