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Oooo, Ooooo, Pick me, Picek me

Well, the second interview went really well, but there are zillions of other candidates to be interviewed. They don't expect to make a decision for about three weeks.

I did get a tour of the facility and met the QA engineer. Both of those were completely unscheduled so I think I made a decent impression. Hell, I know I did. The QA engineer asked me when can I start and the HR Manager came running out after me with info on benefits. You never know but I feel good about it. I'd get a brand new corner office. Nice!!!

We went sailing yesterday in a crystal blue persuasionly wonderful day. Cool, dry, breezy. Newport looked so close you felt like you could reach out and touch the bridge. Afterwards at the club bar, I had three people ask me to take the listings to sell their boats and one who wants a new racer cruiser $$$$$ All in all a productive day.

Well I'm off for a bit. I need to go home and get my wallet so I can call thr folks I need to call and maybe even get some lunch. Have a wonderful week, peoples...

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