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On the road again..

Well, you guys will have to do without me for a few days. I'll be on the Cape until Monday, trying to make a damn living. They are putting me up in a nice (so I hear) bed and breakfast, and hopefully somebody will take me out to eat once or twice. I have customers coming and high hopes. Hopefully they won't be dashed by the time I get home again.

Boss wants me to split the commission on my one sold new boat with the broker who helped me fill out the paper work. My reply, what about the boats I show for him here? We are meeting on it in the morning.

I plan on agreeing to what ever they decide and then saying, (if i get screwed) OK, so now I know where the base line is for splitting commisions. This will go over with the other broker like the proverbial lead balloon, but hey, I can play too, you know.

M.E. is going to a dico ball tonight with her sister. I fortunately have not been invited and have no plans. On the road at 6:00 am again tomorrow so maybe a grapes or too at the club and in bed early.

Happy weekend all.

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