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State of the diary address

There are 44 people who list me as a favorite. Ten of them no longer post, so I guess they don't count, right? The rest of you folks seem to be pretty regular readers, even if I can't for the life of me figure out why.

It's a pretty wide slice of people too, carpenters, librarians, folks going to school, folks sitting in offices, bored to tears. I even have a glass maker who while he doesn;t have a diary, stops in once in a while to read and say Hi from 0regon

I've met three people in person who read here, Robin, who is my favorite west coast person in the whole world (sorry RDG), Monica, who I took sailing with Mike, and one reader who use to make me Christmas cookies and now is living happily ever after and will remain nameless :-)

Mostly you've been a very loyal bunch and have been around with support, comments and opinions. You always make me feel good and for that I thank you. I like to think my group is more special that the others here, because, well it is and you are.

I hope you are all having a wonderful day. Please note that I'm sending warm thoughts to all of you.

Happy Tuesday!


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