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Running in place?

I got a few leads yesterday from the guy who quit/got fired. I'm the only one who didn't bust this guys chops so I'm the only one he trusts I guess. I'll give him kickbacks if I sell anything off the leads. I'm hoping that happens soon.

I showed three boats yesterday. This is a positive development. I have two more scheduled for later in the week. Monday is a holiday in Rhode Island. I think I'll take it off. We'll see...

Another gray morning, I was supposed ot start treadmilling but just couldn't get the motivation where it needed to be. Perhaps tonight.... Perhaps not. My whole life seems like a treadmill lately, perhaps that's the aversion?

Tomorrow I'll be on the Cape, a meeting all morning and then photos of the boats sitting on the lot that nobody ever takes pictures of. How are we going to sell those things without pictures? Blah...

I got a full nights sleep and yet still feel a bit beat. The sheets were all pulled out on my side so I guess I did some nocturnal gymnastics. That explains some, I guess. Stress sucks!!!

Any way, I hope it is a great day out there for all you folks.



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