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cold, hungry and tired is no way to go through life

I stayed up too late last night. I might have had a glass or two of Merlot too many too. I really need a nap, but here I am trying to be cheery and make a living.

We got another $300 boat bill yesterday. M.E. is getting stressed about finances. We aren't in trouble yet. Yet... She is trying to be supportave, but I know she'd like me to find a "real" job. I've been looking, but it isn't easy here in the Northeast.

I did sell another small boat yesterday. $400 will be my cut. Baby steps right? Yeah, right... I need one big sale to boost things along and give M.E (and me) some confidence that this will work out. The boss seems to think it will, We'll see....

Happy Thursday people... and all the ships at sea.

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