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Hell no, I can't dance, ask again later

I'm still VERY sore today. I had to take two perscription Advi1 before going to bed but all indications are that I'll survive.

I had a good time at the rendevous dispite having to walk like the monster in Frankenstien. Perhaps the Hydorcodone I took before departing washed down with several glasses of grapes at the cocktail hour helped? Perhaps. STill didn't cut the pain enough. Backs are bad things to mess with.

The people were all very nice, especially the extremely cute and very sweet Kim from the finance company. She's a local and has been looking for a boat to play on, so that works in a lot of ways. Her hubby is a cycling maniac so she has a lot of free time. We can fix that. Just a genuinely nice person. The world needs more of those. She joined us for dinner along with the pirates from New York, the homicide detective from Miami and the nice couple from a the mid CT schore.

The food was wonderful ribs and barbeque chicken with all the fixins and the folks running this show treated us like royalty.

The singer, a Butffet clone was actually flown in from out of state and did a nice job. We'll be back tonight for the lobster and more mingling. Kim will not :-(

The boats lots of the people own are worth easily more than twice my house, and yest everybody was pretty down to earth. The marina was on an island and you had to take a little ferry to get there. Cute.

So today I'm back in the office, bored as hell. Time to hit the phones I guess. Later

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