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Gray skies are going to clear up?

There were thunderstorms most of the night. That means trying to sleep on the floor while comforting an 85 pound quivering furry bowl of jello. Not conducive for much rest. The poor thing just gets so frightened and I feel so bad. At least M.E. got some sleep. One out of three isn't bad.

I came in and the computers were all down. The new service guy was trying to be helpful and clean up the wiring. Three hours of crawling on the floor later I'm finally able to get in. Nice....

The deal on Martins boat has fallen through. I dread calling and telling him that. The survey did not come out clean. I have back up people, maybe one of those will be interested? I'm sort of down on the selling thing right now. Can you tell?

Tonight is race night. I really am not in the mood. So I'll make an executive decision, I'm out. It's time. I'm not having fun and that is the reason we do this right? Right? The weather is crappy again today. Thats a good of an excuse as any.

Thank you so much for all the friends who wrote to cheer me up. Even the annonomous one. Friends are the energy that keep us going, when all we want to do is crawl over and fade out. You are appreciated more than you'll ever know. {{{hugs}}}

I have an appointment to talk to some folks about going back to a real job tomorrow. Nothing will probably come of it, but I am keeping my options open.

Happy Wednesday all and keep smiling, right?


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