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Drifting aimlessly

The wind has died, it is grey and wet. I'm tired. Must be race night huh? I slept lousy. I'm not use to a semi-solo bed. Puppy tries, but it is not the same.

I spent the whole morning on the Cape and bought my tickets to Nantucket while I was there. I misread the booklet booked on the high speed and had to pay $100 instead of $50. Oh well, easy go, easy go.

I am not going to drift in the rain. You'll see. I need to make phone calls, then maybe I'll call it a day. Maybe I'll call it a duck. Just because. Is Ben Afleck named after that duck or is the duck named after him? Enquiring minds want to know.

I haven't eaten yet today and I'l grumbly. I'm sure puppy needs a hug.


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