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Selling me

The last few days have been better. I've got some solid prospects and even showed my first new boat today that I'd get credit for selling, so that is exciting. I had somebody look at Martins boat yesterday who is supposed to come back today with his wife. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

The yelling guy came in today to thank me for all my help getting his problems resolved and I met a nice family who was also pissed off at our service, but who apparently love me enough that they want to join my Yacht Club. Thats cool.

I had another yeller call today with a problem with a listing, threatening to sue. By the end of the conversation, Not only did he not want to cancel, he asked to have the listing switched over to me. Score. Hmm, maybe I can sell huh?

Um, lets not get a big head here Ron. You've still only sold one LITTLE boat in three weeks. But it has been interesting and I could have fun doing this. I sent out five packages of material yesterday. Yippee

I also have info for the friend who stiffed me for the other friend who stiffed me. He wanted prices for new boats so he can low ball the other guy. I know I'm being used, but so what. Hell he might just decide that new is better and buy from me and I make out and the guy who pulled my listing gets left twisting in the wind. Low probability, but worth a shot. It only costs me a little time.

Beautiful day for sailing so I'm out of here in an hour or so. We're taken my friend who has cancer and his wife sailing. They called us. It's a good thing. Have a super day people.

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