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If you smile at me, I will understand....

In some twisted feat of nature, my voice seems to have gone on the fritz and I'm now doing a pretty good impersonation of the lately departed Barry White. That ain't right for a white boy from the Northeast. We use to call him horny Barry back in the day. 57 is too young to die.

Trying to spend the day on the phone with a voice that just doesn't want to work is going to be a challenge. I'll muddle through.

We hit the club last night just in time to see the boys come sailing in from Bermuda. It took them fives days which was 2 longer than expected. Low wind will do that to you. It felt good to have them back safe, even if they all did smell quite a bit.

There has been a parade of bikinis past my office window. One of the perks of working near the water I guess. I bet it is a slow day. Anybody want to play?

I spent the 4th mostly alone. M.E. went to a kiddie birthday party. I wasn't going to spend the only day off I had in two weeks doing that. I just wasn't. Especially sionce I cant even stand the kid. if that makes me selfish, then so be it. I'm guilty as charged in this case yoru honor. Puppy and I watched the Sox game on the tube instead.

Well I guess I'd better get some work done. Later amigos


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