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Loves me liks a rock?

I've really been on the run lately, but things should be easier the next few days. I will be in the local office tomorrow and the weekend and I have all of Friday off. Yippee!

I went down to ice up the boat cooler last night and decided to take a spin. Some friends were race committee for the Tuesday night series and I figured I'd buzz them to say Hi.

One of the local idiots was actually in front for a change and was sailign dead down wind at about five knots. I was motoring at about and passed him a couple of boat lengths to starboard and he yells out stop taking my wind.

Um hey yokel, a the wind is behind you, not to the side and B, I don't have any sails up... DUH... Oh well.

I went back for one beer on the deck and one of the race commitee people, a friends daughter now in her mid 20's blurts out that she has had a crush on me since she was 8. Can I melt into the deck now? People, believe me, I am so not crushable. I guess there is no accounting for taste.

My back is sore, so I splurged and had scallops for lunch. I know that makes no sense, but hey that's my life. Back to work...

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