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You can't look back, no you never look back

Well, we've worked out the details for my first week any way. I work Saturday and Sunday here in town, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday on the Cape and then back here. That will be a lot less travelling than I thought. Nice. No time off for the time being though. I'll have to adjust.

We went out to dinner last night to celebrate. Two dinners and a bottle of wine for $23, the Monday special. While we were there a limo full of kids playing grown up showed up. Pre-prom stuff the waiter said. It was osrt of cute watching them. Ahhh to be that young and naive again.

We took the boat out for a motor after to charge the new batteries. it was a fine October evening. Brrrrr

Puppy must have had a stressful day. He chewed up an entire phone book. Pages every where. I had to clean it up. And life goes on. 4 more days here.


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