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Bonus dude

Well, apparently I'm on a roll. My boss called me in the office and told me my last day was to be a week from Friday. I told him I found a job and I explained that my new place wanted me in next week, but that I'd stay the extra week if he wanted. He was great. He congratulated me on the new position and went right down to personnel and they talked. I'm being let go a week early. That means I get to collect two weeks severance, a $1000 stay till the last minute bonus as well as unused vacation time. Yippee....

The next two weeks commuting to the far ends of the Cape look to be a real grind, but at least I won't be broke... Yet....

I'm purging my files, cleaning my desk, sanitizing my computer (for your protection). The batteries on the boat died and I had to spend way too much on replacements. Better now than later I guess. I also have a few potential customers already. Maybe it is just a tease, but it is something.

This week is going to go by soooooo slowly. Tick, tick, tick.


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