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Circus Maximus

I've never seen a zoo like this job fair yesterday. It was for only one company, a bio-pharmacuitcal outfit that has been expanding like crazy.

I got there 20 minutes before it opened and there were already 5,000 people standing in line. Within and hour traffic was backed up 5 miles in both directions on Rt 95 and the street in front of the hotel where it was held was closed. The fire marshal was throwing people out of the building. Eerie.

I guess that says a lot on the economy in Rhode Island huh?

It took two hours but I got to meet with the Engineerning dude and the guy from facilities. They both said there were positions open, but with the hundreds of folks applying for each job... Well lets just say I won't get my hopes up.

I did get a call back about a second interview for the boat brokers job though. I need to call and set up an appointment today. I have some reservations because this is this is strictly a sell to eat gig, but it would be fun. We'll see how the second interview goes I guess. Besides potential income is better than the soon to be no income.

I got the filters for the well changed and the oil change went without incident. The whole crew showed up to race and we even left the dock early for a change. Then we ran into fog... Visibility dropped to less than a 10th of a mile. Finally we got a warning that there was a tug boat right ahead of where we were. We stopped, listened, and decided screw it, and went back in.

One throw out gone but everybody stayed safe. We had some grapes and ate at the bar and all left early. I got to watch the rest fo the Sox game at home. Yeah me. Except I tossed and turned all night. Could it have been the sausage and peppers? More likely the job stress.

Any way, have a great Thursday Diaryland and thanks to my Oregon buddy for letting me know he's still alive, and to those who left good wishes.


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