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Low spark of high heeled boys?

2 and 1/2 hours to get in this morning. The State of Rhode Island (related to the state of confusion) decided that rush hour time on a Monday was a great time to pave two lanes of highway and not tell anybody about it. My tax dollars at work. Nice... I wanted to call in and let them know I'd be late but my cell phone was totally dead, no screen, no beeps no nothing. SO I did what any self respecting Mr fix it guy like my self would do. I banged it on the steering wheel... and that fixed it. I am truely talented....

We had a pretty lazy weekend. Rain all day Saturday so I did some boat stuff and crashed the rest of the day. The sun actually came out yesterday so we sailed, but the wind died. More rain today and life goes on.

Is there anybody interested in cutting my grass? I surely have no intrest, even if the sun were out.

A company I use to work for has an opening for a designer/engineer. I hated working there. I'll apply any way. Beggers can't be choosers now can we?

Happy Monnday......

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