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Wind on the water, carry me home...

There was an email from the Yacht Sales place that I applied too. Email, that couldn't be good, could it? I saved it until last. It said..

Hello Ron

Just want to touch base and let you know that we are considering you. We will be concluding first round of interviews this week and will follow up shortly there after as to whether we will process further.

Thank you for your continued interest and enthusiasm.


So I guess I'm still in play here. We'll see...

Mom went to see my lawyer friend Maureen and I talked to her last night. She was shocked that these rich people are trying to screw over a little old retired lady and I guess offered her services for free. We'll see how this plays out.

I bought all the food for the weekend and loaded it on the boat. The forecast looks better, rain all day Saturday, but clearing Sunday and Monday. I bought lots of junk food just in case. Tonight perhaps we will stock the cooler.

I had a dream last night that I was trapped in one of my old employers and that the place was on fire. The smoke kept getting thicker and a bunch of us got out of line and snuck out by a door we weren't supposed to use and missed the head count. Now what the hell do you think that means?

Tomorrow seems like a good day to leave early... We'll see...

Happy Thursday, especially to you special people. You know who you are, don't you?


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