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Stayed in bed all morning just to pass the time

A long boring Friday. Major acomplishment of the day, finding out how to properly adjust the tilt of my office chair. I can tell you are just as thrilled about this as I am.

A bit back when I had to give myself the injections of the experimental drugs, they never told me not to give the shots in the side of my thighs. One day I did and hit a nerve. For the last few weeks my entire leg from hip to knee hurts when any pressure is applied. Walking is fine, even running, but driving or sitting at work are pure torture. Other than pain killers which I mostly avoid, there is no cure other than time. Blah...

I'm reading a book about a guy named Franklin who was lost in the Artic trying to find the northwest passage. Thats how I spend a lot of time lately, that and avoiding the job snatchers.

Pizza and sports radio were the faire du jour. My life is amazing is it not? Phone messages today included bill consolodation offers and lower mortgae rate offers. Spam a la phone. Tonight I may just do nothing. I'm due for a nothing night.

Later PS. I just added an anti-google filter. A few of the searches for me might have connected people here that I just don't want to be here so... I'm no longre googleable (but I am still huggable :-) Later again and this time I really mean it.

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