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Alll that summer we enjoyed it, wind and rain and shine...

I wish I could keep the yard looking just like it is right now. It is just an explosion of pink and purple, red and white. It smells like lilacs and rhodedendrons and azalias and not like dog poop, wonderful... I guess maybe I should take some pictures this weekend to share... We'll see.

It's going to be a busy weekend. The commodores ball is Saturday night so I have to get all dressed up, blah. I usually don't want to go, but M.E. likes getting dressed up so I do. It's an expen$ive night and last time I left still hungry but sometimes you do things to keep the peace and so I will.

Sunday is more my cup of tea. The around the island the wrong way race. Hopefully it won't rain all day because if it does I'm staying home and reading the paper. I have the technology.

No news to report on the job front. I'm still paying bills and plugging along. So it goes.

Have a great weekend!


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