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Isn't life strange....

If bodies came equipped with emergency generators, I'd be trying to kick start mine now. It probably wouldn't start... That tells you all you need to know.

I had good intentions, drop off the ladder and golf clubs, have one grapes and go home and play with puppy. M.E was out with friends. It was all good.

Some how one became several. Amazing how that happens. It's kind of like a biblical loaves and fishes thing, even when I stop buying, they some how mysteriously keep coming. Ahhh friends.

I helped Neil tie up his boat and he bought a few. I helped Howeird up his mast and even he bought one. I left early, ate and was to bed at a reasonable hour and yet 3% is probably the best I can do on the old CaptainRon energy scale. A nap, a nap, my kingdom for a nap. Oops, I don't have a kingdom. I don't even have a goat. Sigh....

I may take tomorrow off to go to a job fair in Worchester, the armpit of New England. Don't I sound thrilled? It would let me sleep late.. Armpit it is.

Race night so of course it is suppose to rain. Moody Blues...

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