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Another try at race 1

Well after last weeks aborted attempt, tonight should be the first race of the season. The weather is beautiful so we should have enough bodies to play. If not, I'll just sail.

It is getting so much easier to say that as the years pass. With everything that is going on the stress of a crowded starting line loses some of it's appeal, if you know what I mean.

We'll play it conservative. I can't afford to break stuff and definately can't afford to whack anybody. Besides it is just spring, time for shaking ou the bugs and getting up to speed.

Still, my stomach has a little bit of butterflies. You'd thing after all these years and all those races, they'd be gone. If they haven't by now, I guess they never will. I'll take a Pepcid before I head home. Then I'll set up the boat. I always get there early to do that. It keeps my mind off stuff and keeps me busy. Too much sitting is bad.

It's funny as soon as the gun goes off, I'm fine. I once raced while really really sick and didn't realize I hat like a 103 fever until the thrill of victory wore off. Then, well, lets just say things weren't so good. Any way, have a great night all.

PS I'm wearing my old watch ;-)

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