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Early Thanksgiving?

We got home and did a little yard work last night. Not a lot, but enough to feel productive. Puppy did his ususal thing, running around like a nut until he occasionally wandered into the neighbors yards where upon M.E put him in time out, but putting him in her car. This is not a punishment folks. Puppy loves ot sit in the car, looking out the windows and apparently pretending to drive to Petco.

Well on one of his pedestrian jaunts the neighbors little foo foo dog comes out and starts chirping or yelping or what ever noise coumes out of these lil things and of course puppy goes over to investigate. Now puppy is protective of M.E, but he knows that animated squeak toys are not a threat. Still, she goes over to get him and when she does, he come proudly out of the bushes that divide the yards with a big turkey leg in his mouth, wagging like hell.

Now we are not talking the Thanksgiving kind of drumstick sort of thing, we are talking the entire leg of a wild turkey including feet. Well, M.E being the city girl that she is doen't not much appreciate this scene and makes this known by screaming in a voice that should have broken windows for half a mile around.

Of course this attracts my attention and I have to come in, grab puppy, remove his latest toy and dispose of it deep in the swamp. Then I have to find my Marlin Perkins gun and tranqulize M.E. Puppy was not allowed to give doggie kisses to her all night.

Then we went shopping and while out bought a box of Scooby Snacks. Well I gave puppy a few when we got home and apparently they had the same affect on him as they did on Scooby... A while later he jumps on the bed, jumps off walks back and forth like he has to go out and yet when M.E. goes to take him out, he won't go. The same thing happens a little while later when I try. Then I realize he isn't standing by the door, he is standing by the snack cabinet. He doesn't need to go out, he wants more snacks.

Well being the good parent that I am, I don't want him to go to bed hungry. I also do not what him demanding snacks all night long, so we compromise. He and I split a stalk of celery. This apparently was enough and he didn't bother me for the rest of the night. Gotta love um... most of the time...

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