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No Doze....

Why am I so tired today? Why, why, why?

I wasn't that bad of a boy yesterday, even fleft half a glass of Chardonay on the bar. I hope I'm not gettijng sick, becuse it looks like spring may be finally coming to the northeast. Yeaaaa

I went down to the boat after work and all is well. Well, almost, the starboard side electric outlets are not working. I had the same problem last year when we splashed and Boatyard Bob (not to be confused with Baghdad Bob the minnsing minister of mis information) fixed it in like two seconds. I'm going to have to find out what he did.

I put in the table and just as I was finishing up, M.E showed up. Then Charlie Brown and soon Mrs Brown so of course wine was necessary and it was provided :-) We stayed until sunset and then wandered over to check out their soon to be new boat for a bit, hit the bar and headed out at a reasonable hour.

So why am I draggy? Beats me, but i hope I recover or I'm gonna need a nap and I'm pretty sure thats frowned upon here. Then again, what are they going to do, let me go? nah, thats next month :-) Happy Friday

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