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Thanks to our troops

I don't suppose there are any soldiers in Iraq reading this stuff, but even if there aren't I'd like to say think you any way. We can never thank you enough for going into harms way because your country asked you to. Never send enough good wishes to those trying to fight a war without killing civillians, all the while these "civillians" are shooting and killing your friends.

Don't worry, Michael Moore is the exception. He is a self absorbed idiot, who thinks because he can act, he is better than you. He isn't. Not by a long shot. He forgets that it is people like you that allow him to live in his mansion all the while bad mouthing his country. The real Americans are behind you, always will be.

You men and women are the finest force in the history of this planet and you will do the job asked, because it was asked. Some of you won't come home, but those will have died to make the world a better place. That's not a bad thing is it? No, it's not. Hang in there and may this all be over quickly. Oh yeah, I'll be at the parade they throw when you come home. You can count on it.

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