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The Die is Cast

Well, he could have done the right thing and left. Spared his people the trials of war, but you didn't really think he would did you? A person who allows babys to starve, invades his neighbors and gasses his own, really doesn't care about anything but himself right? Most Tyrants are like that.

Memo to Hans Blix, a bunch of those Scuds that Iraq said didn't exist and that you couldn't find fell on Kuwait last night. Oops? Line of the night... If your daughter was kidnapped, would you want Hans Blix to be the guy to have to find her? I wonder if he and Mr. Magoo were seperated at birth? Vanderbuilt from F Troop?

I learned on the news that apparently you can not surrender before the war has started. If you do you are called a deserter. The French must be happy with this development. Their record for the fastest surrender is still intact.

There is not much anti-war sympathy at the Club. Most of the folks at the bar last night were veterans of various wars. They understand a lot better than most the good and bad things about what is going to happen in the next few days. Lets hope it is more good than bad.

I almost got one side of the boat waxed, but it got too cold and it just wouldn't buff out right so I had to quit. I took another load of stuff down, about 200 pounds of lines of various types. One thing we sailboaters are not short of is line. I also put the clock and the bell back in. Productive...

I was sitting at the bar watching war news and eating around the pretzels in the Chex mix when the Wednesday night card players asked if we wanted some real food. Baked Stuffed Shrimp, sausage and mushroom stuff, baked potatoes. Of course we said yes and it was WONDERFUL, and free. Later one of the daughters of the players came in and began picking the pretzels out of the Chex Mix. Apparently it is the only things she likes. I gave her a whole bowl and she was thrilled. There is balance in the world.

I guess we tried to take out Saddam and his boys last night, but apparently missed. Too bad... Having it be over before it started would be wonderful for all but the TV news guys. I think they'd get over it.

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