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We interupt this check up.....

Well last night was semi productive. I had to go to the bloodsuckers, but they didn't suck blood, so that is a plus. And I got a month of free meds. This is also a plus. Then I had to wait while the stupid always late because she over books doctor watched for her self on TV. She thought this was perfectly appropriate too, never even appologized. Ahhh to be self important.

She was on the tube because she apparently canceled her vacation in Germany due to the upcoming festivities in Iraq. I'd have thought with their position on all this, that Germany would be pretty safe. Unless they decide to invade France again. That is always a possibility I guess.

Germany and war is like the girl on a diet with a box of cookies. They can't eat just one. Once they get started you know they are going to want the whole thing, so maybe it is best they are left out of things.

Speaking of Germany and France, they along with Russia are calling a meeting of the UN to discuss what happens in Iraq after the war is over. Um, sorry boys, that really won't be any of your business will it? The US won't have reason to honor all your under the table arms for oil deals will they? Nah, probably not.

You had to love Rumsfelds comment, going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion. Hmmm

Well that rambled in an unexpected direction. I guess the impending war is on most peoples minds. Also on mine is the two weeks from today launch of the boat. Last night after Ms Vacation Wuss finally got me out, M.E. and I took all 28 boat cushions out of the basement, loaded up the truck and headed to the Club.

We have a system. I climb in the boat and catch, she climbs the ladder half way and pushes. It works well except for the queen size aft cabin one which weighs as much as, well, a queen sized matress. This one has to be pushed up the ladder and I have to do some fancy gymnastics 12 or so feet off the ground to get it on board. We managed. We even figured out where they all went. Yeaaaa us.

Tonight is another load of boat junk and perhaps some wax on, wax off. We'll see....

We stopped in the bar for one after. Several friends were there. This is not conducive for having one drink. Three people bought us grapes. Oops...

We still managed to get home relatively early though. And life goes on....

Happy Hump day all and if you get the urge to wax, give me a call.

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