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I really want to know............;

I'm not a big fan of war. I guess nobody is when you come right down to it. I guess it sometimes comes down to sometimes the choices are limited. What do you do with a madman who invades Iran because he wants their oil and then when he is losing uses poison gas as a means to negotiate peace?

What do you do with a madman who not learning his lesson invades Kuwait because he wants their oil and says Saudi Arabia next because he feels all arab states should be united with him as their leader?

What to you do with a man shoots scud missles against Isreal, just because they are jewish and who after he gets kicked out of Kuwait and gets his ass wooped signs a treaty to get rid of all his weapons and then says, hey I was just kidding and keeps on developing more and nastier stuff?

What to you do with a man who gasses his own people is building nuclear weapons and tells his sons in laws to come home and kills them? What do you do with a man who uses the money obtained for oil to build missles, bombs and palaces while his own people starve? Who uses children as human shields so we won't blow up arms factories and communications centers? (T. Aziz says they all volunteered BTW)

What do you do with a man who cuts out the tongues of those who dare speak out against his government? What do you do with a man who supports terrorists and applauded 9/11. What do you do? What do you do?

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