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Bonus third entry regarding war

Ah yes a bonus third entry, are you thrilled? Right....

Well, Robin said in my guestbook that she was surprised that I hadn't written about the impending war and since she is one of my most favoritist people on the planet, I guess I'll explain.

It isn't a accident or lack of intrest. It is a conscious effort on my part. Like most Americans I have strong thoughts on the impending action. They were formed by reading as much as I can, watching the talking heads on both sides of the aisle and hell, some gut instinct. I've always been a fan of history and that data base probably has something to do with it too.

Some people have reached their conclusions the same way. Others use a different process. Some just hate war in general, some hate Iraq and some hate the President or America. They have made their minds up by what ever means they have. I'm sure they feel their opinions are every bit as valid as mine and very few people on either side are going to have thier minds changed by anything I might write. Thats one reason.

Another reason is the people out there who think that this is a sport. They post outrageous things and banners to get reactions from people and then go on the attack to try and prove how smart they are or how right thier position is. There might have been a time when I had the energy and patience to reply to such people, but now frankly they are just not worth the effort. To make a game of people dying is just wrong in my opinion, but to each their own. I just don't need that stuff clogging my Guestbook and taking my energy. I have precious little to spare these days.

I just hope it all works out well for the country and the world. Only time and history will tell.

On a non-related front, I was almost prevented from going to lunch by the US Postal Service. One of their carriers was kind enough to park behind my truck while delivering mail to the entire complex behind me. The space between us was less than the lenght of my truck, but when he returned he insisted I had room to get out. I guess physics wasn't his strong suit. So I had to grab lunch on the run and now I have a headache. Ahhh life in the big city.

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