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Fire up the mower the ice age is ending?

Ugh, I feel like I've been in a fight. My arms hurt and my back hurts and I have no clue as to what I did to my knee, but it was all worth it. I was productive!! Yeaaaaaaaa

I scrapped the snow off the decks and took the cover off and opened the hatches to let fresh air in. I put the batteries in and pumped the bilge and stood on the deck and watched the huge patches of ice float around the bay with the winds. It was warm, and the sky was ble and the air smelled of promise.

I got two coats of bottom paint on everything but under the stands and used a snow bank as a cooler. I cleaned the waterline stripes and had everybody who was wandering around say how great the boat looked, even though I have yet to polish or wax.

My new nickname has been groundhog. People have been saying that when they see me working they know spring is right around the corner. Some were worried by my late start. Do I really have to explain to them about not seeing my shadow?

I can see parts of my yard again. The leaves I didn't get raked before the November snowfall are a reminder that he who hesitates is indeed lost, or at least lazy. I saw the first few unlikely blades of green grass trying to survive in the spots where the plowman gave them a head start on their snow covered breathren. I wish them luck.

I chipped ice around the stands to give the sun a decided advantage in its battle for spring to take control. Sometimes life is good. Even if your muscles don't agree.

Happy Monday world, now all I need is a job.

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