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Health update...blah

I almost didn't come in today. Not much sleep last night dispite the attempts at self-medication. If the fever had been a little higher, I would have gone to the doctors. I still might although lately I am more adverse to taking antibiotics than I use to be. Don't want my little bugs building up a tolerance in case I really need to do them in at some point.

Unfortunately I know where this is headed. I get bronchitis every stinking year. Why? Who knows... I never smoked cigarettes, but we did smoke a lot of bad pot in the 70's and early 80s. We smoked some good pot too. Perhaps it is that. Perhaps not...

It's been lots of years and water under the bridge since those days. Youthful indescretion shouldn't be able to cling around this long, should it? I've had pneumonia twice in the last five years... If this even shows hints of sinking into the chest, I'll do the right thing. I promise. I hate not being able to breathe.

On a positive note, getting up several times during the night to hack up ugly green stuff is good exercise. And I am drinking plenty of fluids and took two vitamins this morning. Yea me. On the road to recovery one white cell at time.

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