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Sunday ponderances

it is sunny and blue and everything is still covered in shiny ice diamonds. Vewry pretty as long as you stay inside.

I need to be at the airport at 2:20. M.E danced the night away at a disco last night while I went to a bad basketball game and later watched PBS with puppy. We make microwave popcorn even though it isn't on our diet. He looked like he needed it. Yeah I'm pretty sure he did.

I'm trying to decide if I want to go to tan in the box. I guess maybe not, I'll just run for a bit and read the paper I guess. Maybe there will be jobs for me there?

No plans for later today, but tomorrow I have an eye appointment in the afternoon. One of the ravages of getting old, my short range eyesight is great, but distance, ahhhh not so good any more. So it goes...

Maybe puppy and I will have a snowball fight. I always win, but he has more fun, so maybe he really alwys wins?

Have a good Sunday!


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