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Singing songs of plastic men and you

I use to be good at the being alone thing. Oh thats not to say I ever liked it, but at least it was routine. It was expected and I coped, we all do. Then it got to be too much and I made a bad decision.. Bad, bad, bad! Oh well it was trying times and such is life. One can only deal with so much stress alone and then you have to find somebody to share it with. So I did.

And for a while it was better, bbut then it got to the point where I would have been better being alone. But I wasn't so you make the best of what you have until it gets so bad that you have no choice. So then being alone was good again.

Then things changed again. Now I may have forgotten how to be solo once more. 's harder this time. Sigh...

Even with puppy, the house is pretty damn empty. I went to dinner at a place up the street. The roads were good dispite the snow. But everybody stayed home eating and drinking bread and milk.

I picked a corner spot at the bar and got half price food, a definate score. Total conversation for the night.. expaining to a guy that Rusty was the fake rabbit in at the dog track in Taunton Mass and that Rust never sleeps was a song by Neil Young. Why there were arguing this, I'll never know.

I never had anybody sit within two seats of me. I justify it because of the snow. Maybe... Watching TV via the subtitles is hard after several wines. Yet I survived.

Puppy loves the snow. he romps and jumps and just loves it so. I wish my heart were in the same place. I think he needs a hug. Or maybe thats me.


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