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Loose lips sink ships

My lips are such a mess right now. You really wouldn't want to kiss me, honest...

I am so tired that my brain is operating about 56% below normal capacity. I really do need a nap... and to get my eyes checked. Perhaps I'll stop and make an appointent on the way home? Which may be early... Because I need a nap.

I love circular logic almost as much as pretzel logic which of course everybody knows was an album by Steely Dan. Hmm, lot of people here won't know that. Hmm 2, lots of people here have no idea what an album even is right? RIGHT? Didn't think so.

Tonights plans are fairly simple... Find the missing mouse trap, take a nap, have some dinner, snuggle with puppy, sleep. The end.

I'm not going to the club and I am mad at Neal. He was supposed to show up last night. He was the reason I went down there in the first place. Did he show? Of couse not... He is an inconsiderate boob. I know I should expect it... I've written about him doing that kind of stuff lots... He probably got a better offer... Probably something involving Johnny the Chin. He could have at least called. I mean he managed to call to tell me to join him. If I knew he had changed his ming I wouldn't have waited and gotten wasted and in need of a nap... Have I mentioned I need a nap? Hmmm, where was I?

Oh well ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz..............

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