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hey Mr Headhunter tally me bananas

I have a job interview scheduled for Monday afternoon. It is at the place right up the street. The job isn't exactly the best fit, but I will convince them that it is... I could have been in sales you know...

The company makes water heaters, how tough can that be? I'm going to brush up on my Statistical Process Control. I'll sell my experience as Quality Manager at the last place I was at. This position could open up into management too...

MY new mantra will be 5 minutes from home, 5 minutes from home. Puppy would love that.... We could do lunches. I think I'll go out for dinner tonight to celebrate. It will be inexpensive because the wonderful M.E. will be eating free Canadian food. I wonder if it makes you 30% less full?

Hmmm I need a haircut and my suit pressed. Charge!!!!!

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