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O Canada... that hockey song....

If you wrap yourself in dafodils, I will wrap myself in pain... If you were the queen of California then I am the king of the rain...

Sorry, got a bit distracted there. I can't find that CD any where in the house. I wonder if puppy ate it? Perhaps the mice stole it? Bastards...

The score for yesterday was mice zero, me zero... Thats a good outcome.

I sort of don't care if they are there as long as I don't know they are there. M.E. screaming at the top of her lungs the last time she saw one was a good indication they were there. She is a city girl and doesn't handle wildlife well. Well except for the deer. She loves the deer. Frogs on the other hand are right out...

She's leaving this morning for Toronto for a few days of training. Puppy and I will be flying solo. He will no doubt take her spot on the bed. He thinks it is where he belongs any way. Tomorrow night I'll hit the YC, and maybe tonight I'll go out for dinner. We'll see....

The company up the street wants to have me in for an interview. I'll wear my best suit and try to impress. The head hunter says the pay might be less than I make now... In two months minimum wage will be more...

I went to bed early last night and I'm more tired today than usual. The sheets on my side were all ripped up so I guess I tossed and turned all night. I wonder if there is a way to harness all that movement to generate electricity? Seems a shame to have it all go to waste. I should at least be able to generate enough power to run the night light, or perhaps my alarm clock? Sorry I'm late bossman, but I slept really smoothly last night so my clock died. Blah...

It snowed lightly again last night. God I am looking forward to spring. My guestbook got signed by a lady named Cassandra yesterday. Isn't that a great name?

Oh well onward and upward. Have a great Thursday!


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