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A royal flush....

Mice three, Ron two... Thats the score right now on the attempt to rid vermin from the abode. These cunning lil rodents have managed to steal three huge pieces of cheese, but there has been a cost... Two of their best front line troops have ended up in that big cesspool in the sky.. um ground. And the battle rages on...

Honestly I feel badly about the whole thing. I gave up fishing and I'm not a hunter because I could never shoot anything as beautiful as a deer. On a contrdictory note, I did eat and enjoy venison stew at the Super Bowl party on Sunday... Blah...

Mice are not beautiful and carry disease and can be pretty destructive. They have to be gotten rid of and so I will. I'm just not happy doing it. Unless Mickey shows up at the door.... BLAM!

On another front that I appear to be losing on... My nails have been nibbled to the point where they can not be nibbled any more without causing severe distress. This does not stop me from trying. Why am in in this phase? Hmmm, I have no idea, but job stress and boredom are currently the leading suspects. I need to get CSI in on the case.

It use to be that the only thing clearly visable from outer space was the Great Wall of China. I think that we now have to add Ted Kennedys head to that list. Man that thing is just HUGE. He looked pretty sober last night which is a change. From my personal experiences with him, I find that he cares much more about people as a concept then he does as them as individuals. Espousing to support the poor and down trodden while spitting on the guy next door is no way to go through life Ted. Neither is fat drunk and ugly... and life goes on.

I want a hydrogen powered car.... and a tax break and a new job... We'll just have to see how it all turns out I guess.

Happy Hump day people!


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