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Don't barf for me Argentina

Well... I came in to work yesterday all awake and raring to go and an hour later I was ready to pass out, throw up, crash and burn... Who knew... So I left and went home to bed. Puppy was happy... By the end of the day I had recovered and was as good as new... Weird.

I applied for an engineering job at a company that makes carbon fiber masts for sailboats... The job involves some sailing and is fairly local. That would be sweet... I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but not holding my breath.

It was zero this morning... zero... Sigh........

I have an appointment with the blood suckers tonight. The doctor is supposed to be in at 6:30, we'll see... They are going to stop my medication, I'm pretty sure. Test protocol says you can't be allowed to get completely better. No that would be bad... 80% is about as far as they go. Perhaps I need a new doctor? Yes, I do.

M.E. is leaving for a conference in Toronto. It will be the first time in almost 4 years that I'll be sleeping alone... Well puppy will be there, but he really doesn't count now does he? Weird...

Nothing exciting to say today. Nothing funny either. Such is life.

Happy Tuesday!


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