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Love is like Popsicles

DAMN it is COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think my brain may be in suspended status... Temp is in the single numbers, wind chill in the minus 20s. Damn you Al Gore, what have you done with global warming? I want it back and I want it NOW!!!

I think bears have the right idea. When the first signs of winter come, you just crawl into a nice dark warm place and sleep until spring. Hmm, I wonder if they are taking any new members? Probably not...

We have a game tonight so will get to roam the streets of Providence in artic like state. I wonder if we will see penguins? The Bay is starting to freeze up pretty good so even the potential for sailing is now dead. BLAH. I feel like putting up a sign like we saw on the Cape. Closed for winter. Maybe I will.

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